
COCORAI aims to advance the fundamental science, engineering practices, and application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) within the agricultural industry. Established in 2023 as a registered non-profit in Estonia, It aims to promote the use of ICT and open exchange of information while prioritizing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ratings for sustainable and high-quality farming. By bringing together experts in computing, software engineering, cybersecurity, agriculture, management, and sustainability.

COCORAI conducts research, develops software technology, and applies best practices to optimize yield, minimize energy consumption, and improve farming outcomes. The core values of CoCoRai include scientific research excellence, education, ethical computing, diversity, and integration of research and farming. The organization’s goals range from providing an open Digital Library for research visibility, expanding the global community, organizing research conferences, shaping the future of ICT-based farming, defining educational programs for the next generation of farmers, promoting the benefits of ICT in farming to citizens and policymakers, advocating for green ICT and sustainable farming practices, and upholding ethical standards for a positive impact on the global community.



Provide an open Digital Library to increase the visibility and accessibility of the community’s research on ICT and farming.


Continue to diversify CoCoRai global welcoming community


Provide first-class venues (working conferences, publications including CoCoRai Magazine) for research that shapes the future of ICT-based farming and agriculture 5.0


Define educational programs and resources (mainly living laboratories for open agriculture innovation using ICT) for students to advance the understanding, learning, and evolution of the next generation of farmers and agro-industry professionals.


Educate the citizens and policymakers on the benefits, potential, limits, and pitfalls of ICT forming


Promote the development and use of green ICT and the adoption of sustainable development in farming practices of tomorrow tracking ESG metrics and positive impact


Promote ethical standards to make a positive impact across the global community from the farmer to the consumer fork.