
Membership Terms and Conditions (DRAFT)

COCORAI is a pure non-profit Organisation currently in the incorporation process in Estonia with English used as the sole communication language.

It will operate under the ENOLL Living Lab innovative technological platform, connecting farms from different countries and addressing sustainability challenges in Agriculture

COCORAI brings together academic researchers from ICT, Engineering, Environmental Science, and Agriculture along with non-academic actors from diverse sectors to collaboratively co-create, develop, test, and deploy new technologies, products and services in real-life farms engaged in sustainable farming.

Membership and Fees

COCORAI comprises of Country Clusters funded solely by yearly membership fees, used to operate the Organization, and provide valuable Services to its Members.

These fees, chargeable in due course, are gathered and settled by the Country Cluster Lead University (or College).

Members Persona

  • Universities (or colleges) providing AgriTech related academic programs for traditional students or adults (evening courses)
  • Agriculture Technology Providers sponsoring (against a tax-deductable donation) internship for Universities (or colleges) to handle documented real-life projects
  • Farms with pro-active Management teams keen on adopting technology and leading sustainable farming scalable pilot projects

Yearly fee by Country Cluster: EUR 1,000 paid on the first month of each country’s financial year

Country Cluster Leadership

Each Country Cluster is operationally led by One Lead University (or College) and One Lead Farm, operating in close collaboration with the lead University.

Both are initially co-selected by COCORAI Officers and the Country Cluster leadership team. Subsequently they are elected yearly by Cluster Members’ majority vote.

Cluster Lead University (or College)

  • Persona: recognised as a leading academic institution providing AgriTech related programs in both local language and English aligned with local Government country agricultural development goals
  • Representative Persona: authorised decision maker or directly reporting to the authorised decision maker, connected to an influential local network in alignment with COCORAI vision and in direct and transparent communication with COCORAI Officers in English

Cluster Lead Farm

  • Persona: recognised as leading profitable farm producing scalable product(s), with the resources available to engage in deploying new Technology and becoming a local Learning Centre for sustainable development
  • Representative Persona: an Agricultural Industry Leader nurturing trust relationship with many Farm owners and with a practical knowledge of AgriTech. Fluent in local language and English

Documentation and Website Upload

Selected Lead University (or College) and Lead Farm will provide COCORAI with their Country Cluster documented details in Word and HD Picture/Video for uploading on the COCORAI website (template will be provided)

Project Identification and Solutions

Through the Lead University and the Lead Farm, agriculture-related challenges are identified and filtered by priority impact. Specific Projects involving well-defined Farm Project Owners are undertaken by COCORAI recommending various innovative solutions for the Country Cluster’s consideration.

Third-Party Recommendations and Agreements

COCORAI Officers may recommend third parties to the Country Cluster facilitating potential commercial agreement between Farm Project Owners and selected entities outside the COCORAI non-profit environment.

General Practices

Members agree to abide by the principles and objectives of COCORAI, which include promoting sustainable agriculture, fostering collaboration among stakeholders, and supporting innovative solutions to agricultural challenges.

  • Membership fees are subject to change and are non-refundable.
  • Members must comply with applicable laws and regulations in their respective countries.
  • COCORAI reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions communicated in advance to members
  • By joining COCORAI, members acknowledge and accept these Terms and Conditions.