School of Horticulture and Green Space Development (EHAEV)


The School of Horticulture and Green Space Development (EHAEV) is a school of professional
training, development, research, and development support. It is created to train, at the Bachelor level,
competent students and professionals in the fields of horticulture and the development of green
spaces. Graduates from this school are capable of undertaking, teaching, and putting their skills at the
service of institutions working in the field of agriculture, particularly horticulture and the development of
green spaces.

EHAEV is a training establishment of the National University of Agriculture. It is based in Idigny in the
commune of Kétou. As part of the implementation of the License-Master-Doctorate (LMD) system,
EHAEV trains professionals for the professions of Horticulture and Green Space Development at the
Bachelor and Master levels. To carry out its training program, EHAEV relies on a network of teachers
made up of permanent staff, external staff, and professionals, well-versed in issues of horticultural
production and the development of green spaces.

EHAEV also provides educational opportunities for seeking careers in horticulture, strengthens the
competitive position of the horticultural market in Benin, and works to increase the use of plants for
environmental improvement and as a source of enriching personnel.

The work of the school, staff, and students at the National Agricultural University has had substantial
national and regional impacts in recent years.

Horticulture is the science and art of producing, marketing, and using high-value, intensively cultivated
plants. Horticultural crops are diverse and include annual and perennial species, edible, and
ornamental plants. These plants help support and enrich our lives by providing nutritious food,
enhancing the beauty of our homes and communities, and reducing our carbon footprint.

This is why EHAEV, in its training offering, places emphasis on production techniques as well as
management instruments for horticultural production units and the development of green spaces.
Once skills in agricultural production techniques are acquired, EHAEV emphasizes the entrepreneurial
dimension among students to arouse the entrepreneurial spirit in them. Horticulture and landscaping
combine advanced and traditional technologies for the sustainable and profitable production and
marketing of specialty crops. Practitioners in these fields are as diverse as the cultures that constitute
the industry and discipline. They include a wide range of individuals and groups who grow, manage,
garden, research, and advise horticulturists and planners.

In its training program, EHAEV emphasizes the development and acquisition of technical skills and
managerial skills to make students real agricultural entrepreneurs, actors of economic development in
Benin, and creators of wealth.
The ambition to train young agricultural entrepreneurs in the field of horticultural production and
especially in the development of public spaces fits well with the vision of the Government Action
Program. In this sense, the role of agriculture no longer needs to be demonstrated. Training
technicians and entrepreneurs is a key issue for sustained, sustainable economic growth and the
provision of agricultural jobs.

Strengthening human capital in agriculture is a major challenge today. EHAEV intends to participate in
this challenge. Research and innovation are two central elements of modern agriculture. This is why
EHAEV has set up a research-innovation system to support the training programs it implements to
make the training more practical. An application form, managed directly by the students, supports the
training program. This research-innovation-training system allows teachers and students to develop
technologies that meet the needs of producers to improve their productivity.

Context and rationale for the training

In Benin, difficulties exist which limit the development of modern agricultural businesses. These
difficulties create a shortfall in terms of production, income, and agricultural jobs. These difficulties are
linked to the non-existence of a suitable training offer. The political will show in recent years offers an
opportunity for vocational training schools including EHAEV to train new generation technician

The creation of specialized training in horticultural management and production to contribute to the
quality of life, beauty, sustainability, and thereby the rehabilitation of our environment and the human
condition, finds its full meaning and for the following reasons:
– Renewed interest of public authorities in horticultural/agricultural entrepreneurship,
– Financing from international institutions (FAO, IFAD, World Bank, African Development Bank,
West African Development Bank, etc.) on agricultural development projects,
– Demand for local horticultural products

Skills and sub skills to develop in the training

At the end of the training, the learner must be able to:
– Carry out different cultural/agronomic operations,
– Lead production farm installation and manage all operations in horticulture (market vegetable
crops, fruit crops, and ornamental plants),
– Apply fertilizers and pesticides,
– Manage green space development units,
– Create/establish green spaces,
– Manage horticultural production units (market gardening, fruit crops, and ornamental plants),
– Produce horticultural seeds (market vegetable crops, fruit crops, and ornamental plants),
– Give added value (value chain) to horticultural products (storage, conservation, packaging,
– Preserve the quality of the soil,
– Restore soil quality,
– Offer expertise to farmers.

Identification of the training

Establishment: School of Horticulture and Green Space Management (EHAEV)
Field of training: Agricultural Sciences
Mention: Horticultural Production
Specialty: Horticulture and Management of Green Spaces
Grade: Professional License
Duration: 3 years (6 semesters)
Training and pilot research entity: School of Horticulture and Green Space Development (EHAEV)

Responsible Person

Prof. Martine ZANDJANAKOU-TACHIN, Full Professor at CAMES Universities.
Training aims
The general objective is to train professionals in horticulture (market gardening, fruit, and floral crops)
and in the development of green spaces capable of setting up as agricultural entrepreneurs, or as
service providers, assistants, and facilitators.

Entry Profiles

This program is intended for candidates who have completed their secondary studies and hold a
baccalaureate (series C, D), DEAT, or any other diploma accepted as equivalent.
The training is also open to foreigners who meet the following conditions:
– prove the authenticity of their baccalaureate diploma
– respect the texts in force for university studies in Benin
– receive the favorable opinion of the University Orientation Commission.

Exit profile (jobs)

– Entrepreneur in horticultural production and development of green spaces
– Technician in horticultural production and development of green spaces
– Horticultural seed production technician and seed bank manager
– Technician in storage, conservation, and marketing of agricultural products
– Assistants in developing horticultural production business plans and developing green
– Plant protection technician
– Agricultural Research Assistant
– Conception of horticultural farm
– Design of ornamental farm
– Design of green space


– Research structures (INRAB, IITA, AVRDC, BIOVESITY)
– University research laboratories (UNA, UAC, UP, UNSTIM etc.)
– Agricultural production companies (Ferme d’Africa GFG Sarl, Ets Divine Providence, SAGA
market gardening site, the Wadagbé cooperative, Hortisem Bénin Sarl, Confiance fleur,
Hortitech, NGO Mialebouni)
– Agricultural and professional technical high schools
– Public and private institutions: DDAEP, ABSSA, DPQC, DPV, NGOs
– Farmers associations
– Private farmers