

Cluster Officers

  • University Name:
  • University Representative Name:
  • Farm Name:
  • Farm Representative Name:

Singapore’s agricultural history is rooted in traditional methods focused on small-scale farming and food production to meet local demands. Historically, Singapore relied heavily on rural areas and agricultural land for food cultivation, with crops such as vegetables, fruits, and ornamental plants being commonly grown. However, rapid urbanization and limited land availability led to a decline in traditional agriculture over the years.

In recent years, Singapore has embarked on a journey towards sustainable agriculture through the adoption of green technology. Recognizing the importance of food security and environmental sustainability, the Singaporean government has implemented various initiatives to support the integration of technology into agriculture.

One significant advancement is the widespread adoption of vertical farming techniques. Vertical farms utilize indoor spaces to grow crops vertically, maximizing land use efficiency and reducing the need for traditional farmland. These farms often employ hydroponic or aeroponic systems, which use minimal water and eliminate the need for soil, making them highly sustainable.