Vision and Development

Vision and Development

The Consortium of Connected Research for Agricultural Innovation (COCORAI) is a global scientific and educational non-profit organization committed to advancing fundamental science, engineering practices, and the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Our mission extends beyond academia to serve the agricultural industry and farmers, emphasising the importance of food security, sustainability, and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics.

COCORAI brings together researchers spanning fields such as computing, software engineering, agriculture, and sustainable development sciences. Through collaborative efforts, we conduct groundbreaking research and develop cutting-edge software technologies aimed at reducing the consumption of fertilizers, energy, and water. Additionally, we address critical issues such as food waste while promoting the highest standards of professionalism and ethics in sustainable farming practices.

Our initiatives focus on fostering the application of ICT and facilitating an open exchange of information within the agricultural community. By leveraging technology and interdisciplinary collaboration, COCORAI strives to drive innovation and create impactful solutions that address the complex challenges facing agriculture today. Together, we work towards a future where food security, sustainability, and ESG considerations are prioritized, ensuring a resilient and prosperous agricultural sector for generations to come.

Being established in 2024 as a non-profit Organisation registered in Estonia (in progress), COCORAI is progressively gaining recognition from a worldwide network of Universities, connected Farms and Academic Researchers. COCORAI clusters are located in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Australia, and North and South America


COCORAI members are committed to being the premier global association on ICT for sustainable connected farming including:

  • Scientific research excellence
  • Education and technological advancement
  • Ethical computing and technology for environmentally friendly farming
  • Diversity, equity, and integration of research and farming

Goals from the long term to short term:

  • Providing a sustainably open Digital Library in 2025 to increase the visibility and accessibility of the community’s research on ICT and farming
  • Continuing to diversify the COCORAI global community, providing a welcoming community for all
  • Providing first-class venues (Working conferences, publications, and the COCORAI Magazine) for research that shapes the future of ICT-based farming and agriculture 5.0
  • Defining educational programs and resources (mainly living labs for Open Agriculture Innovation using ICT) for students to advance the understanding, learning, and evolution of the next generation of farmers and Agro-industry professionals.
  • Educating the citizens and policymakers on the benefits, potential, limits, and pitfalls of ICT forming
  • Promoting the development and use of green ICT and the adoption of sustainable development in farming practices of tomorrow
  • Promoting ethical standards to make a positive impact across the global community from the Farmer to the Consumer Fork.


COCORAI is a non-profit scientific Organisation aiming to advance basic theory and practices on ICT in farming and agriculture, covering the entire concept of “From the Farm to the Fork”.

A Non-profit Organisation under registration process in Estonia with offices and branches in different countries is regulated by a Non Profit Association Act.


The Organisation shall consist of voting and non-voting Members.

The governing body of the Organisation shall be a Council.

The affairs of the Organisation shall be directed by the Council.

The General Committee shall act as a consultative body.

The Organisation shall conduct activities in line with its Charter and Objects, and as determined from time to time by the Council. These shall include the holding of a Festival in every year, subject to the approval of Council, and the venue, dates, and form of each. The Council shall determine the festival.

The Officers of the Organisation shall be:

  • The President, the Immediate Past President, and the President-elect
  • The General Treasurer and up to three Vice-Presidents as the Council shall determine with responsibilities as hereinafter set forth
  • The Chair of the Council (who may be one of the persons from the council.

The Council shall comprise the Board of Trustees and shall be constituted of the following persons who are entitled to vote at Council meetings:

  • the Chair of the Council,
  • the General Treasurer
  • up to three Vice-Presidents
  • four members of the General Committee who have themselves been elected to the General Committee by Members of the Organisation
  • up to four persons appointed as determined by the Council

In addition, the President, President-elect, and Immediate Past President, if not Trustees, shall be entitled to attend the Council but not to vote. Members of the Council shall usually serve for three years with the option of being re-appointed for a further three years as long as any continuous period in office does not usually exceed six years. In exceptional circumstances, a further year’s extension is permitted by a two-thirds majority vote in the Council of members present.


The General Treasurer shall ensure that the Organisation keeps proper books of account, giving an accurate and fair view of the finances of the Organisation, and shall procure and present to the Council the audited accounts of the Association completed to the close of the financial year. They shall present an interim statement of account at any Council meeting if so requested and shall report to the Council promptly on any matters that are or should be of concern to the Council.

The accounts of the Organisation shall be audited annually by a professional auditor appointed as hereinbefore provided by the Council, whose report and accounts shall be approved by the Audit Committee and signed by the auditors. The said accounts duly audited and signed as aforesaid shall be approved by the Council and published annually in its Annual Report.

The General Treasurer shall be responsible for the expenditure of money authorized by the Council. They shall ensure that all payments authorized by the Council are made and such bank accounts as may be directed by the Council are maintained.

The General Treasurer is empowered to draw on the account of the Organisation and may, with the authority of the Council or (during such time as the Council shall have delegated to the Investment Committee the powers of the Council to make or vary investments) with the authority of the Investment Committee, invest on behalf of the Organisation part or all of the balance standing at any time to the credit of the Organisation in the books of the Organization’s bankers in such investments as may be authorized by the Charter, and may, from time to time, vary or transpose such investments for or into others of a similar nature.

The Council may appoint as Investment Adviser for the Organisation a person who they are satisfied after an inquiry is a proper and competent person to act in that capacity and who is either:

  • An individual of repute with at least fifteen years’ experience in investment management who is an authorized person within the meaning of the current Financial Services legislation or
  • A company or firm of repute that is an authorized or exempted person within the meaning of the legislation.

The Council may delegate to an Investment Adviser so appointed power at their discretion to buy and sell investments for the Organisation on behalf of the Council by the Council’s investment policy. The Council may only do so on terms included in the Rules.