Dr. Ahmed Seffah

Ahmed Seffah is a professor and software engineer. He pioneered research in Human-Centered Software Engineering, a term he coined in 2001. His research includes AI software systems engineering, human-AI-data interaction, and their applications in sustainability, including sustainable farming.

He established three research, software development, and innovation labs in three countries (Canada, Finland, and Switzerland). He has been a tenured full professor in Canada and Europe for 25 years while contributing to the design and accreditation of various programs, including 2 Ph.D. programs and three Masters, some of them related to green ICT and sustainability.

Professor Seffah supervised 15 PhDs; many are academic professors in the USA, Europe, and Canada, and IT leaders at IBM, Bombardier, SAP, and Oracle. He has initiated and contributed to significant projects, including EU-Horizon, EU Erasmus, Canada NSERC, and CFI (Canadian Foundation for Innovation).

  • United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi